02-0001 - Error message "No parent component with own counter found."

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02-0001 - Error message "No parent component with own counter found."

During the creation of a maintenance report you get the following error message while saving the report: "Internal error [MainCompCounterLookup]: No parent component with own counter found."




While saving a maintenance report the system also updates the running hour counters of affected components. The counter value given in the report will be set for all sub-components without an independent counter. If the component you are creating the report for doesn't have an own counter, the system tries to find a parent component with an own counter - beginning from this component the counter update will be done for all sub-components.


If such a parent component with an independent counter cannot be found, the counter update of the related parent and sub-components cannot be performed. Only the component you are creating report for and their sub-components will be updated.




Usually you'll have to find a parent component in the hierarchy that has an independent running hours counter. Find this component and use the Edit function for setting the checkbox Uses own counter.