Automatic Database Replication

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Automatic Database Replication

The system provides additional tools that allow to set up an automatic data transfer between the office and the connected sites. There are two main options for setting up the automatic data transfer:


Option 1) Data replication packages will be automatically created and imported at defined intervals. The actual transfer of those files will be still organized by the customers IT department by using the existing infrastructure for transferring the files between office and sites.


Option 2) In addition to option 1) also the transfer will be handled by ZeeBORN tools. For the data exchange between office and sites a dedicated ZeeBORN server will be used for forwarding all files to the other site.


The rest of this topic will concentrate on option 2.



For enabling the automatic data transfer, you will need to download some additional tools that contain the required functions for establishing the connection to the ZeeBORN server. Please contact support for download instructions.


With the tool ReplicatorConfig.exe in folder %zeebornclient%\bin you can choose the sites you want to enable to automatic transfer for. After checking all sites you want to enable, click Save for updating the replication configuration. This step can be skipped on board as the transfer from board will always be sent to the office.


In the download package received from support you will find a file ftptransfer.cfg. Please copy this file into folder %zeeborndata%\config. This file contains account information for accessing a dedicated file exchange account on the ZeeBORN server.


In the same package you will also find the files SFTPUpload.exe, SFTPDownload.exe, DataUpload.cmd and DataDownload.cmd. Please copy those files to folder %zeebornclient%\bin.



The execution of the data replication file will be controlled via the Windows Task Scheduler. Create a new task that runs the batch file DataUpload.cmd at a preferred interval. The interval for the automatic data transfer should be set to no more than once a week and no less than every four hours.

Create a second task that executes the batch file DataDownload.cmd at a similar interval like the upload task. Please make sure that upload and download don't run at the same time. If you use the minimum interval of 4 hours, there should be a gap between upload and download of 2 hours.



If any error occurs during an automatic data transfers, a separate entry will be created in log file %zeeborndata%\logs\errors.log. If this errors.log file doesn't exist, the transfer is running without problems.


If the file errors.log exist, please check the file for a first indication of the reported problems. Further information can be found in the detailed logs in folders ReplicationImport*, ReplicationExport* and ReplicationImportSys. The status of the replication system can also be checked by starting the Replication module manually and checking the dates of last import and export.