00-0011 - Couldn't delete file "..."!

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00-0011 - Couldn't delete file "..."!

In some rare cases you might get an error message regarding a file that cannot be deleted. This message can also be related to the deletion of temporary files that are created during the operation of the software.


Reasons and Solutions


Some functions in the system create temporary files that exist only for a very short time. In some cases a virus scanner might prevent the deletion of a file if the virus scanner starts the scanning of the file immediately after the creation of the file. In rare cases the virus scanner still might have the file open for scanning and causes an abortion of the deletion.


The software already takes in consideration that a virus scanner might cause such behavior and retries to delete the file again until success. But if this period of re-trials exceeds a time span of more than 3 seconds, the software stops the deletion attempt and shows the error message.  



If such a problem occurs, please take into consideration an exclusion of the affected files, file types or file locations from the virus scanning. In any case, please forward this problem to our support team so we can investigate the problem.