Job Details Editor

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Job Details Editor

This function is available only with the necessary user access rights.


In the Maintenance Job Details editor you can manage the essential information for a single maintenance job. In the following you will find a description of each details you can enter in the editor.


Shows the name of the component the maintenance job is related to. This information cannot be changed within the editor.


Job Title
By clicking the "..." button you can choose a maintenance job from the list of pre-defined jobs. This will also give you later on access to the optional job description that is part of the pre-defined jobs.


Responsible Person
Choose one of the available responsible persons for assigning the responsibility for this job to this person. The responsible person will be shown in the schedules list and can be used there as a filter criteria for limiting the list of shown schedules to this single person.


A maintenance job can be defined as a one time ("only once") job or a periodical job ("recurring"). A one time job will be shown in the schedules list only once with a due date resulting from the given counter or date. A periodical job will be shown for each single due date within the time frame the schedules list has been calculated for.


The interval describes the frequency of how often a maintenance job needs to be done. You can set this frequency as Counter Depending if the due date of maintenance jobs shall be calculated based on the expected running hours of the related component. This considers also the given average running time (ART) for the related component.


Next Due Date

For single jobs (executed only once), you can set here the due date of the job. It's not possible to set a due date for maintenance job with intervals.
The next due date will be calculated by the software. For new maintenance jobs that do start later than the installation date of the component, please set the Last Execution information as a starting point for the maintenance schedules calculation.


Last Execution (or Start Details)
When creating a maintenance job you can enter here the last known counter value and date when this job has been executed. This information will be used for calculating the next due date. If resulting maintenance schedules shall not be calculated based on the installation of the component, you will need to enter the a counter/date as a starting point for the further calculation of maintenance schedules.