Release Notes for Pre-Release Versions

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Release Notes for Pre-Release Versions

Until the official release of the new ZeeBORN Database Engine based software versions some special conditions apply.


1.Each new version now also has a new version number. Necessary updates will be automatically detected by the client software.

2.All test versions are strictly released for test only environments. The current software releases are not ready yet for production environments.

3.It's required to install the database engine on a server (or PC) where no other MySQL or MariaDB instance is already installed. If you still need to install the database engine on a server where MariaDB/MySQL is already installed, please contact support for assistance.

4.If a shared server folder is to be used for storing files created by the software (e.g. replication files, report export etc.), this folder must be defined in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_USER\Software\ZeeBORN by setting/creating the entry SharedFolder with a string value pointing to the shared folder to be used. Setting this entry will also publish the defined value to the environment variable %ZeeBORNShared% after the next software start.


Always perform the following steps:


1.Make sure the ZeeBORN Database Engine is running. Install if not yet done.

2.Run ServerSetup.exe for upgrading the database and for publishing the client setup to the server.

3.Run ClientSetup.exe on each connected station for upgrading the local client software. The ZeeBORN software won't automatically detect available new versions, yet.