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In most of the detail views (or document views) within the system you will see a footer with information showing the timestamp of the last update and who made some changes to the record.
This footer looks like the following example:
updated: 26.06.2009 10:10:26; database ID: 101; directly changed by Administrator
Description of Details
Shows the date and time when the record was update the last time. This information is especially important for the operation of the data replication module for detecting the data that have been modified after the last data replication.
Changes of a records timestamp can occur by direct modification but can also be caused by updated in other parts of the system (e.g. reporting the receiving of articles in the Purchasing modules lead also to a modification of an articles quantity in Stock module).
database ID
The database ID is a unique identifier for each independent running copy of a database. This ID is used by the data replication module for identifying the source of a modification of a database record.
directly changed by
Whenever a user changes a record directly by using one of the available editors in the system, the users name will be saved in the tracking information of the database record. Please note that the information given in "updated" and "directly changed by" are not necessarily linked to each other. For example: if a users reports the receiving of purchased articles, this users name will not be written to the article record that will be update due to the quantity change caused by receiving a delivery. The articles record will show in this case the receiving data or quantity update date in "update" but will still show the users name who applied changes to the article by using the article editor.
Beside the information described here you should also check the information in history records or tracking details that are available in many places of the system.