Database Engine Installation

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Database Engine Installation

The database engine setup is made available with the setup program DBEngineSetup.exe. Running the setup without command line parameters will install the database engine into folder C:\Program Files\ZeeBORN\DBServer.

If the database engine is to be installed in a different folder, the folder name must be provided as a command line switch:


DBServerSetup.exe -dpath


After installing the database engine, the setup program will ask for the folder to be used for data storage. The default folder is C:\ProgramData\ZeeBORN\data.

If a different folder is to be used, the use default configuration check box must be cleared and the folder name must be adjusted as required.


In rare cases in can be required to change the port number to be used by the database server instance. Usually you can keep the default values.


These additional options are only required


if a second instance of the database server is to be installed on the same server (e.g. for test and training environments or for additional clients working on the same server)

if the installation may collide with another already existing MariaDB/MySQL instance on the same server

Installing a Second Instance of the Database Engine

If a second instance of the database engine is required on the server (e.g. for running a separate training environment or for hosting the database for another client), the program DBSetup.exe can be used for creating this second instance.

The program DBSetup.exe is installed together with the database engine and can be found in folder C:\Program Files\ZeeBORN\DBServer.


For installing a second instance, the following steps are required:


1.Start DBSetup.exe.

2.Clear the check box use default configuration.

3.Assign a different database directory than the suggested folder.

4.Assign a different port.

5.Click Install for creating a second instance of the ZeeBORN database engine. A dedicated uninstall script will be created for allowing the later removal of the second database instance incl. all database content.


Clients can be connected to the second instance of the ZeeBORN database by using the port number used while creating the database server instance.


There is actually no limit, how many instances can be created.

Uninstalling the Database Engine

During the installation of the database engine an uninstall script will be created in the destination folder of the database engine  (default is C:\Program Files\ZeeBORN\DBServer).

The default name of the uninstall script is "Uninstall server ZBDB3306.cmd". If a different port was assigned during the database engine setup, the selected port is also part of the file name of the uninstall script.


Please note that this uninstall script must be executed as Administrator.


The uninstall script will remove the database engine instance and also all database files assigned to this database engine instance.


If no other instance of the ZeeBORN database engine was installed, the folder C:\Program Files\ZeeBORN\DBServer can be manually deleted.

Known Issues

If a different firewall than the Windows Firewall is used, port 3306 (or the port assigned during installation) must be manually opened in the firewall (for Windows firewalls the inbound rule is created automatically during the database engine installation).

The setup program can't detect if a non-ZeeBORN version of the database is already running on the server.

The default settings of the setup program can't be used if another instance of MariaDB/MySQL is already installed on the server. In this case the use default configuration check box must be cleared and a free port number must be assigned. This port number must also be used later on for connecting client PCs to the server.