Other Modules/Administration

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Other Modules/Administration

The Other Modules/Administration screen gives you access to further modules that are not integrated into the ZeeBORN System.


Here you can find

Programs: a list of further programs that might be relevant to a selected part of our customers

Gadgets: gadgets are usually little tools that provide customized features that are not part of the system; a gadget could be also a shortcut to a feature within a system providing quick access to a feature without the need of many mouse clicks. Please read also chapter Gadgets.

Reports: beside the included reports that are available directly in the single modules you can find here additional reports that are a) customized or b) to be made available without the need of starting the relevant module

Manuals: beside the standard manual for the ZeeBORN System you might find here further manuals that might be important for the proper operation of the system.

Administration: in the section you have access to typical administrative functions like database replication, license management and customized data conversion tools

Inhouse Tools: this section is visible only when inhouse tools exist on the system. An inhouse tool is typically an application that will be provided by <%COMPOSHORT%> without further guaranties. So normally this button is usually not visible.

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