<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Purchasing > Requisitions > Creating/Editing Requisitions, Agency Requests, Forward Orders and Service Orders (Office) |
Creating requisitions can be done via:
1.Clicking button "New Requisition"
2.Distributing from existing requisition, request for quotation or purchase order
3.Copying from standing order -> Create new requisition by copying an existing and as standing order marked documents (RQ, RfQ, PO).
Creating agency requests can be done via:
1.Clicking button "New Agency Request"
2.Distributing from existing agency request, request for quotation of an agency request or purchase order of an agency request
3.Copying from standing order -> Create new agency request by copying an existing and as standing order marked documents (RQ-A, RfQ-A, PO-A).
Creating forward order can be done via:
1.Clicking button "New Forward Order"
2.Distributing from existing requisition, request for quotation or purchase order
3.Copying from standing order -> Create new requisition by copying an existing and as standing order marked documents (RQ-FW, RfQ-FW, PO-FW).
Creating service order (Office) can be done via:
1.Clicking button "New Service Order (Office)"
2.Distributing from existing service order, request for quotation of service order or purchase order
3.Copying from standing order -> Create new requisition by copying an existing and as standing order marked documents (SQ, SRfQ, SO).
NOTE: We have two different service orders:
1.Service Orders linked to module "Maintenance"
2.Service Order created in Purchase with free jobs or catalog jobs and no linking to module "Maintenance"
Title: must be different from default "(new)".
Cost Department and Cost account are mandatory fields and must be filled in before assigning items.
The field 'Internal Remark' serves as communication platform between ship and office and shall be used to explain e.g. reason of ordering.
External remarks are visible in all screens and printouts. This field shall be used for any information which you consider helpful for the suppliers.
Delivery Date: planned date for receiving items.
Booking Date: Date for booking requisition/purchase order into budget (can be empty, then purchase order sent date is booking date).
The field 'Assigned User' can be used in case a responsibility for this RQ shall be defined.
It is only an information field between ship and office. If the check box 'Hold' is marked, this is advising you that no activities are planned for the next time.
Supplier-/Delivery Address can be inserted in each requisition. The Invoice Address is set per default.
You can administrate several prices for items and requisition.
Estimated price:
Estimated price is available for several items and for the whole requisition. Estimated prices are for internal use only. If "use estimated price" is checked this price will be stored in budget in case of sending purchase order.
Manual price:
Manual price is available only for requisition/purchase order, not for items.
Item Prices:
Known prices for items, system will calculating total for requisition using discounts.
Note: Use estimated price is only possible, if "for all items" is checked.
The requisition has to be filled by clicking on 'New Item' and choosing from the following:
•free line item
•get spare part from location
•get spare part from component
•get component
•get article from catalog
Please use the external remark field of the item in case you want to add relevant information for the office or the supplier.
Once a requisition is created, you find it under the folder 'open'. In this status any information is still editable. When ordering from Component or Stock, articles can either be added to an existing requisition (this applies to all RQs which are open on board) or inserted into a new one.
Requisition has to be approved before further processing. If ship has created the requisition, it will be appear in the office as OoB (open on board) and can not be edited in the office until ship has approved.
In the Purchasing Module you will see a budget ball on the upper right corner of the screen.
This feature shall serve as information.
The color (green/orange/red) is indicating the present status of the budget for current ship based on the limits assigned per cost account.
Further Processing
After approving requisition you can either create:
•a request for quotation (RfQ) to several suppliers (as PDF or in a special interactive ZeeBORN Format zbDoc) or
•directly a purchase order. In case of creation purchase order a supplier is mandatory.
There is the possibility to approve and create RfQs for multiple RQs. Use button “Assign Supplier to several RQs” under "Actions". There you have to select several RQs, assign supplier and than hit button “Approve and create RfQ”.