02-0003 - Warning "The calculated average running time is greater than 24 h."

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02-0003 - Warning "The calculated average running time is greater than 24 h."

While entering new counter values into the Counter List you see this warning while the new average running time (ART) is calculated based on the entered values.




The new average running time will be calculated based on the starting date of a component (also shown as "In operation since" in component details), the start counter at this time and the current date and counter value. If the resulting average running time of the component exceeds 24 hours, the new counter value is too high.


As this additional check has been added in version 10.1.1 of the system, you might already have wrong counter values in your database that exceed the max. 24 hours ART limit. Just by adding one more hour to the counter value will show you the warning message.




1.Check the new counter value if it is correct.

2.Check if the starting date of the component is properly set and change it if necessary.


If the counter value will not be corrected and the warning will be ignored, the system automatically will assume an average running time per day of 24 hours.