Copying Ship Data

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Copying Ship Data

One option for starting a new database for a ship is to create a copy of an existing ship and apply necessary modifications later on (e.g. adjusting serial numbers, resetting maintenance job execution history etc.).


The following procedures are described in this tutorial:


1. Create a new ship.

2. Copy data from one ship to another.

3. Apply necessary adjustments.


Create a new ship


A new ship can be created in the Overview section of the system by using the menu New > Ship.

Just enter the name of the ship and the IMO number. After clicking OK, the database for the new ship will be created.


Copy data from one ship to another.


This procedure requires some extended knowledge about the database structure used by the system. Please see topic "%ZeeBORNData%" for more information.

Before copying the ship data you'll need to identify the IMO number of the ship to be copied and the IMO number of the ship. It's also recommended to close all ZeeBORN software before copying the data.


The easiest way to copy the data is to open a Windows command line.


Use the following command to copy the ship data - please replace sourceimo and destinationimo with the actual IMO numbers of the related ships:


xcopy %zeeborndata%\db\sourceimo\*.* %zeeborndata%\db\destinationimo\ /y


Apply necessary adjustments


The type of adjustments to be considered depend on if the ship is a new-building or if it might be already in operation for a while.


Adjustments for new-buildings

New built ships require a reset of all settings in the database that store lifetime data of a ship. This includes reports for executed maintenance jobs, spare part consumption tracking but also current running hour counter values and start dates for maintenance job due data calculation. Please ask ZeeBORN Support for assistance. The support team will provide SQL scripts that help you with performing the necessary reset.


Adjustments for ships in operation

Please contact ZeeBORN Support for getting assistance as there are many options to be considered for adjusting the copied data to the actual situation on board.


You'll find many helpful functions in the system if you are logged in as Administrator. Within the Planned Maintenance module you'll find many useful tools after right-clicking on a component's name in the tree view. Especially the menu Koszlowski Tools provides some powerful functions that also allow a transfer of single components between two ships.