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The DocImport tool is a stand-alone command line tool to be used for importing existing document files from a given folder into the Documents database.


The tool is not included in the normal setup and needs to be downloaded from our download server. Please ask ZeeBORN support for the download link to be used.


1.After downloading the tool, the DocImport.exe needs to be copied to the %ZeeBORNClient%\bin folder.

2.Create a new folder in the library that shall be used for managing all imported documents. You may also use an already existing folder. For the correct operation of the DocImport tool it's important to use a unique folder name as the tool will use this folder's name for identifying the folder where the document files are to be imported to.


Manual Usage

1.Open a Command Prompt

2.Enter the following command
%ZeeBORNClient%\bin\DocImport "directory\*.*" "foldername"
directory is the file folder where the import tool will look for new files to be imported, If you specify *.docx instead of *.*, only Word documents will be imported
foldername is the name of the folder in the Documents module
DocImport "c:\import folder\*.*" "Imported Documents"
This command will import all files found in directory c:\import folder into the Documents library folder Imported Documents

3.During the file import, the tool will move all imported files into a sub-folder named "_imported"

Automatic Import

For creating an automatic import of document files, we recommend using the Scheduler service available in Windows. Just define the desired interval when the import shall be executed and define the command shown under "Manual Usage" for creating the Scheduler action.

Restrictions and Limitations

1.Each document will be automatically approved and released.

2.Each document will show "Administrator" as the user who created, approved and released the document.

3.Only the given directory will be checked for new files. Sub directories will be ignored. If you also want to import files from sub-directories you'll need to use a separate command for each sub-directory.

4.During the import the tool will NOT check the file name if it was already imported. If the same file - or a file with the same file name - will be put into the import directory, it will be imported and a separate entry will be created for the imported file in the Documents database.