Documents Management

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Documents Management

The ZeeBORN Documents module is the main module for managing all types of document files. All documents are organized within a hierarchical library that is always shown on the left side of the screen.


One of the most important features is the release management of documents. Each document in the library can be made available to connected clients by assigning them to a site/ship. The actual transfer of documents will be automatically done in the background. This also includes the automatic distribution of updated versions of a document as soon as a new version of a document has been released.


There are two main types of documents:


Controlled Documents: This type of documents involves an approval and versioning process for each single release of a document. Controlled documents will be made available to other sites/ships only after final approval and releasing of a document. Controlled documents have also an automatic versioning feature. Whenever a new version of an existing document will be created, the previous version will be stored in an special archive. Beside having a history about the different stages of a document you will also always have access to older versions of a document. Depending on the used file format you will also be able to call up the visual difference viewer highlighting the changes in the newest version compared to any other previous version in the archive.


Uncontrolled Documents: Uncontrolled documents are used for the easy distribution of documents without involving further document management features like the approval process and the automatic versioning. As soon as an uncontrolled document will be added to the library and the library is assigned to selected sites, this document will be made available immediately with the next data replication.