First Login

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First Login

After finishing the installation and starting the system for the first time you will see a login screen when starting one of the systems modules. At the beginning there is only a pre-defined account for the Administrator. The Administrator account is the only account in the system that always has all access rights within the system.


The initial password for the Administrator is admin.


This password should be changed as soon as possible because this default password will be known very quickly by all users. Latest after reading this document.


We strongly recommend that you also create and use your own personal user account even if this will not have all the access rights of an Administrator. One reason is: some parts of the system will log the user information while doing some tasks that require an identification who made what changes in the system (e.g. approving a document in the Documents module or sending a Purchase Order in the Purchasing module). Another reason is: some functions available to an Administrator might have an unwanted impact to your data. For instance: in most cases an information in the database will be flagged as archived while using a "Delete" function. The Delete functions available to an Administrator will really remove these data from the database. Of course the real deletion of data might be necessary sometimes - e.g. deleting test data, rubbish data or real outdated information. But we consider this type of deletion an administrative task. So whenever something administrative must be done in the system - use the Administrators user account. During normal operation of the system use your own user account.