Recommended Testing Procedures

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Recommended Testing Procedures

Until further notice we recommend the testing of the new software on a local machine.


1.Make sure that no other MySQL or MariaDB server is already installed.


1.Install the ZeeBORN Database Engine on your PC with DBEngineSetup.exe.

2.After installing the database engine run ServerSetup.exe for installing all server components, doing the database table initialization and upgrades and preparing the client setup (see also Database Engine Installation). Please make sure to use "LOCALHOST" or the name of your PC as Server Name.

3.Run the ClientSetup.exe for installing all the required client components (in fact the setup will receive all client components from the server and just make them available on your local PC for further use (see also Client Installation).


During the client setup you should be aware that a previous ADS based software version might get overwritten. For installing the client components into a different directory, clear the use default configuration check box and define a different folder in Program Folder:.



Follow the installation instructions as shown above and use the Upgrade option for upgrading to the newest version. Please note that an upgrade always requires the updating of the server AND the client components. If version mismatches are identified during the ZeeBORN start, you'll receive instructions how the upgrade can be obtained and installed.

Available Tools

ADS2MariaDB.exe - allows the migration of ADS based data to the new database engine (see also Database Migration).

ChooseConfig.exe - allows the selection of one of multiple configuration settings pointing to different data servers and folders. The different settings are stored in file C:\ProgramData\ZeeBORN\dblist.cfg.
This file uses the following format per line:
configuration name;local folder;server:port;optional shared folder


Configuration Name: is any text you want to use for describing this configuration


Local Folder: points to the folder where the client components are installed (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeeBORN)


Server:Port: is the server name and port to be used for connecting to the database server. for local installations this can be "localhost:3306" (3306 is the default port for MySQL/MariaDB database servers)


Optional Shared Folder: is an optional parameter that points to a folder where files created by the software (e.g. replication files) will be stored. If this folder is not defined, files will be stored in the current Windows user's documents folder.


DBFileManager.exe - allows the manual management of files stored on the server. This replaces the previously direct file access to network shared folders available at %ZeeBORNData%.