Test and Troubleshooting

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Test and Troubleshooting

After a successful installation of the client software you will be able to start the ZeeBORN software via the icon on the Windows Desktop. After installing the system for the first time only the Administrator account with password "admin" will be available for log in. As the database usually doesn't contain any further data at this point, you'll only see a message informing you about the missing data in the system. If you reach this point, everything is properly installed and ready to use.


Solving database access error


There a several potential problems you might have to solve if the software isn't starting as expected.


1.Firewall Settings: Please make sure that the firewall on the server allows UDP communication through port 6262. Usually the required settings are automatically added while installing the Advantage Database Server. If you use another firewall solution than the one coming with WIndows/Windows Server, you will need to open the port manually in your firewall. Alternatively you may also allow all network communication for the Advantage Database Server executable ads.exe. This can be found in C:\Program Files\Advantage v11.10\Server (depending on installed ADS version).

2.Client software reports version "" on the server: This usually happens if the installation of the client software was executed under a different user account than the currently active user account. Please check if the Windows user currently logged in on the client PC has the necessary access rights for accessing the database on the server.

3.After changes in the firewall configuration you must restart the Advantage Database Server service to make the service aware of the firewall changes.

4."Error 5185 - Local server connections are restricted": This error message may be shown in Terminal Server/Remote Desktop/Citrix environments if the Advantage Database Server isn't properly configured for being used in such environments. Please ask our support team for assistance.

5.Other database access problems (e.g. error code 6420): Below is a list of further things to be considered if you still get database access errors:

a.Make sure the SYSTEM account has access to all database folders. The SYSTEM account is used by the Advantage Database Server service for accessing the database.

b.Make sure all users have read/write access to the database folders.

c.Make sure all users have read/write access for the data network share.

d.Make sure the service "Advantage Database Server" is running on the server.

e.Please check on the server via the Event Viewer if there are any other problems reported that indicate a general network problem.

f.Make sure the database server can be reached via an IPv4 connection. IPv6 is still not supported.

g.Check the Windows Event Viewer on the client machine and on the server for any problems that might cause problems with the database connection (e.g. DNS problems, network problems)


Solving database performance problems


There are several aspects to be checked for ensuring a good performance of the database server.


1.Set the Power Options on the server to High Performance

2.Use the recommended Advantage Database Server settings as provided by ZeeBORN.

3.Do not use the compression option provided by Windows for the database folders.


Solving problems with database ID creation

Previous versions of the ZeeBORN software used a process for running ID creation that sometimes got interrupted by some virus scanners - a "I/O error 32 ..." was shown and the application was close.

After build 1669 the software uses a new database ID creation process that normally should better coexist with known virus scanner solutions.


If for any reason this new ID creation process may cause any problem, it can be switched back to the previous process by creating a file named "useoldnextid.1" in folder %zeeborndata%\Config. The content of the file doesn't matter only the name is important.


If you still have problems with ID creation, you should exclude *.ID files from your virus scanner.





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